Sustainability and Welsh Slate

Welsh Slate fully recognise the potential impact of its quarrying and manufacturing activities and protecting the environment is central to our operations.

We are totally committed to conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner and continuously strive to minimise the potential impacts of our activities, maximising the environmental benefits and promoting sustainable development within our operations. We recognise our social responsibility obligations in our various roles, which include producer, investor, employer and consumer.

We are committed to ensuring that our business is conducted in all respects according to rigorous ethical, professional and legal standards.


Welsh Slate are committed to:

  • Maintaining accredited ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems across all our sites which are central to our approach in ensuring compliance with legal & other requirements and the Effective Management of Environmental Risks.
  • Driving continuous improvement in relation to environmental performance adopting the use of new technologies, best practice, better techniques, more efficient processes, monitoring and measurement processes and setting of Objectives, Target’s and KPI’s.
  • Continuous review of its Policies, Procedures and other arrangements to verify their effectiveness and if identified implement potential improvement.
  • Effectively manage energy consumption with the aim of reducing and minimising CO² emissions.
  • Utilise every tonne of slate for its optimum performance and value, minimising operational process waste re-using and re-cycling where possible whilst also continuously seeking alternative uses for it within other products and industries.
  • Minimise waste generation, in particular waste for disposal at Landfill whilst maximising re-cycling opportunities of waste produced.
  • Sympathetic restoration and reinstatement of its sites through the use of natural materials and indigenous species to maintain and enhance where possible the character of each location.
  • Ensuring the provision of all the resources required are provided, engaging with stakeholders and in particular the local community to ensure a collaborative approach is adopted where possible to achieve the above.

Sustainability and Breedon Group

Our purpose is to make a material difference to the lives of our colleagues, customers and communities – and this is embedded as a key part of our corporate strategy.

"The construction sector offers major opportunities to help the world build as sustainably as possible and Breedon is committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions. The ambitions and targets we have set in our Sustainability Strategy will shape our people, our products and our business operations, securing our ability to operate in the long term and provide value to wider society too."

Donna Hunt

Head of Sustainability

Our sustainability strategy is built on 3 main pillars; Planet, People and Places, and are underpinned by fundamental operating Principles.

Sales Office
Penrhyn Quarry
LL57 4YG

+44 (0) 1248 600656